A menandering of thoughts and pictures on Knitting, Crocheting, Machine Knitting, life and health in general.
Friday, June 1, 2007
Throw for Aunt
This is a throw I made for my Aunt. It is crocheted from Lion Brand's Homespun. I made it in a couple of days. It's just 2 color squares 2/3 1/3 and then hand sewn together.
Thanks, It was some yarn I got off of Freecycle and I didn't have enough of one color to make her a throw so I used what I had. I have some more in different colors and am planning to make one for myself as I liked the feel of the homespun. I'll make something that I can combine different colors and it will still look nice. Allen
I'm a gay man living in the deep south. I was raised catholic and recently returned to the church. My hobbies include knitting, crocheting, machine knitting and computers.
Wow - love the colour combination! I love crochet, I don't do it often enough!
It was some yarn I got off of Freecycle and I didn't have enough of one color to make her a throw so I used what I had. I have some more in different colors and am planning to make one for myself as I liked the feel of the homespun. I'll make something that I can combine different colors and it will still look nice.
I love to crochet!!!!
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